Creative Writing Weekend Workshop


Enrol now and get access to your FREE Creativity Kickstarter today!

We know you're keen to start your creative journey, and that's why we've assembled an online collection of inspirational tips, articles and creative success stories to whet your appetite right away! We call it your BONUS: Creativity Kickstarter and you get it FREE when you enrol in Creative Writing Stage 1. Think of it as your perfect coffee-sipping bundle of inspiration while you wait for your course to begin. Get started NOW!

Watch this video to find out why you should enrol in this course now.

Creative Writing Stage 1

2-day weekend workshop – an overview

Our weekend workshops are special events where you can gain practical skills and knowledge in a supportive classroom environment.  Over the two days (10am-4pm each day), you will learn the foundation techniques needed to create compelling stories. By understanding and using these building blocks, you will become a better writer.

Across both days, you will work through lessons that cover five key areas of fiction…

Day 1

Creating compelling characters

Discover how to master memorable characters, filling in their backstories and body language, appearance, dialogue and other quirks to keep readers captivated. As a class, you'll explore what drives characters, their future plans and more.

Finding your narrative voice

First person? Third person limited? Omniscient narrator? You'll explore the various types of points of view with which you can tell a story – along with their advantages and disadvantages. You will also work through real examples from fiction to put voice and tense into context.


We suggest setting aside some time Saturday evening to complete a small assignment, to cement what you've learnt on day 1.

Day 2

How to create gripping scenes

Scenes are the building blocks of stories, so you'll learn the secrets of scene construction and editing – how to write descriptions that allow your readers to feel like they're there.

Building stories with form, structure and plot

Discover how to apply simple techniques to stop your stories from unravelling and, instead, hold a structure that keeps reader interest high from start to finish. You'll explore the vital points of a narrative and understand how to write in different points of view.

Putting it all together

Emerge from the wilderness of creative writing, with clear instructions for where to go to succeed in the next part of your writing journey. You'll discover how to craft a scene that incorporates all of the techniques you've mastered.

Learn at our Lavender Bay training centre

Our Sydney training centre allows you to learn directly from inspiring world-class presenters in a spacious and comfortable learning space.

We're a short walk from Milsons Point station with beautiful views across Sydney Harbour.


Suite 3 (Ground floor),
55 Lavender Street

Joanna completed Creative Writing Stage 1

"The course was the absolute nuts and bolts approach I was looking for. I loved the logical step-by-step approach to the craft of writing. It sounds strange but although I'd been a voracious reader all my life, I'd never stopped to consider how a book was actually written, or even that it was divided into a series of scenes with a defined structure. It's obvious now, but at the time I thought I'd discovered radium!"

– Joanna Nell,
now a published author, whose lead character for her debut novel 'The Single Ladies of Jacaranda Retirement Village' was developed in her Creative Writing Stage 1 course…

Joanna's other novels are The Last Voyage of Mrs Henry Parker and The Great Escape from Woodlands Nursing Home.

Sarah Bailey
Graduate of Australian Writers' Centre, author of The Dark Lake

Penelope Janu
Graduate of Australian Writers' Centre, now a full-time author

Shankari Chandran
Graduate of Australian Writers' Centre, author of "The Barrier"

"Is this course for me?"

Creative Writing Stage 1 suits a wide range of people at various stages of life. These include:

Want to write a novel? It all starts here

If your goal is to write a novel, AWC offers three stages of creative support and guidance to help you get there. Creative Writing Stage 1 kicks things off – giving you a solid understanding of how to build your story. In Novel Writing Essentials and Write Your Novel, you will workshop your actual manuscript and take it from its beginnings to completion.

Meet your presenter

Pamela Freeman is the award-winning author of more than 30 books. Her most recent book, published under the name of Pamela Hart, isThe Charleston Scandal (2020), an exuberant story set amid the excesses of the Roaring Twenties. Her previous books include the World War I historical novelsThe Desert Nurse (2018),A Letter from Italy (2017),The War Bride (2016), andThe Soldier's Wife (2015) (all published by Hachette Australia). For children, her most recent publication isAmazing Australian Women – a non-fiction picture book about 12 women who shaped history (Hachette Australia 2018) andFastest Ship in Space – a fantastic space adventure (Christmas Press 2018).


Q: I'm totally new to all this. Is this the right course for me?
A: Absolutely! It's been designed to give you the foundation skills you need to start writing great fiction –  no previous experience required.

Q: I did creative writing a long time ago, but feel pretty rusty. Should I do this course?
A: Yes, we have a lot of people who complete Creative Writing Stage 1 to refresh their skills (and learn plenty of new things). It will provide you with the solid foundations for fiction writing – perfect preparation if you continue on with later courses.

Q: Do I need to have a story or book idea before I start?
A: Not at all. This course is about the fundamentals of fiction, common to all good stories. You'll learn the techniques that go into good storytelling and write small scenes each week to cement your skills.

Q: How many others will be in the class – and are they all experienced writers?
A: The weekend workshops are a supportive learning environment and we purposefully keep classes small to make everyone more comfortable (no more than 16 per class). Everyone is there to learn and no experience is necessary, so you don't need to worry about being out of your depth.

Q: This is Stage 1… So what is Stage 2?
A: Depending on your writing goals, we offer Writing Workout where you can complete exercises to strengthen your core skills over six fortnightly sessions. Or, if you're ready to dive into your own book, our eight-week, Novel Writing Essentials course is ideal. Note that with both courses we recommend you've completed Creative Writing Stage 1 first.

Q: Which one is the creative side of the brain again? I'm always getting it wrong.
A: The right side is where the creative magic happens (but hey, the left is important too).

By the end of this course, you will have:

KNOWLEDGE: of all the important elements that all work together to create engaging fiction.
CONFIDENCE: in your writing abilities and as a creative human being. Knowledge is powerful stuff!
INSPIRATION: from your tutor, other classmates and the fabulous creative community. You'll be buzzing with new ideas, techniques and insight into creating compelling fiction – that you can immediately apply to your own writing.
MOTIVATION: to pursue further writing goals such as short stories or to write the next great novel. You'll also have the momentum to succeed, thanks to plenty of online resources and 12 months' access to all online course materials.

But don't just take our word for it…

"This course contained so much practical advice which was exactly what I was looking for. So helpful! I liked doing the workshopping and group exercises – it really stimulated my imagination. Pamela Freeman was AMAZING! I wish I could live in her brain for a day."

– Amy Spanton
(completed in Sydney)

"You get a lot out of a weekend course – it goes fast! You will walk away with 10 more ideas and a much better understanding on where to start or continue.

"It was really inspiring and made me think about my stories in a whole new way."

Jessie Malpass
(completed in Sydney)

"I was amazed at how much useful information was given in such a short time.

"Pamela has a wealth of knowledge and presents it in such an engaging way – and I learnt a lot from her feedback – both on my work and my classmates."

– Catherine Ogden
(completed in Sydney)

"Pamela is very knowledgeable and has a lovely way of delivering feedback and knows how to create an open and inviting environment.

"If you think you have a budding author inside of you, do this course to find out."

– Sara Allard
(completed in Sydney)


Enrol now and get access to your FREE Creativity Kickstarter today!

We know you're keen to start your creative journey, and that's why we've assembled an online collection of inspirational tips, articles and creative success stories to whet your appetite right away! We call it your BONUS: Creativity Kickstarter and you get it FREE when you enrol in Creative Writing Stage 1. Think of it as your perfect coffee-sipping bundle of inspiration while you wait for your course to begin. Get started NOW!

Creative Writing Weekend Workshop


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